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We’re Creating A Highly Skilled Workforce In America Through Hands-On Training & Development.

Professional Plumbing & HVAC Training In Florida

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Our Mission Statement

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Our mission at American Vocational Academy is to develop a quality, skilled workforce to meet the growing demands of the trades industry. We believe that in doing so we are helping to build this Great Nation’s hope and future one class, one student at a time.


Equip each student with trade knowledge to achieve success

Our focus is first and foremost toward the success of each individual student. Our goal and passion is to equip them with the right tools, trade knowledge and life skills

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needed to ultimately achieve a bright, promising career and future for themselves and for their families. As each student builds upon their future, they in turn build upon ours as a community and nation. In contrast, we believe that if we neglect to assist them in successfully navigating their futures we become in peril of our own future both now and for the generations that follow.


Provide local businesses with the very best skilled laborers possible

American vocational Academy also takes great pride in striving to provide businesses with the very best skilled laborers possible. We continually aspires to support and assist

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local contractors in attaining a highly skilled and trained workforce, thus minimizing the cost of labor and man hours spent in training unskilled or school instructed students who’s primary knowledge is from “books only ” but have very little or no” hands on “or field experience. Employers in turn are able to focus on growing a thriving, profitable, and successful business in service to their communities.


Empower and equip a professional and skilled American workforce

We believe these to be our core values , and it is with great pleasure that we serve each student, contractor, community, and ultimately our country and our nation.

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We are honored to be a part of the process of empowering and equipping a professional and skilled workforce. We do not take our assignment for granted or our responsibilities lightly. May God bless all of us who put our hands and hearts to this great and noble task and may he truly bless these United States of America.


A True “Hands On” Approach To Career Training

The success of our training is largely contingent to our students ability to participate in “Hands on” training and development. This is where American Vocational Academy thrives.


From system diagnostics and HVAC system troubleshooting, to component replacements such as blower motors, evaporator and condenser coils, and compressors, to basic preventive maintenance performance, these students are exposed to it all many times over both in the classroom and in the field.

The future really is yours for the taking!

College can be an expensive waste of money and time, learn a skilled trade instead! We take great pleasure to serve in the growth and development of our work force and of this incredible trades industry.

What We Offer

Scrap For Scholarships

The future of the HVAC industry as well as other trade professions is perhaps facing some of it’s greatest challenges of all time. One of these challenges is acquiring the resources needed to provide the training and development of qualified service technicians for both current and future demands. At American Vocational Academy we believe that a good portion of what is needed to resources this training is right under our noses.

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The Contractor’s Corner (Contractors Only! )

At American Vocational Academy our goal is not only to assist in developing a quality, skilled workforce but also to provide the tools and knowledge needed so that every contractor is able to grow a thriving, profitable and successful business. How would you like to add at least 5% – 10% profits to your companies bottom line? Who wouldn’t and what would that equate to?

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Tech To Tech (Ride Along)

At American Vocational Academy we are excited to announce and introduce our new Tech to Tech Ride along. Every AVA student, upon completion of at least a minimum of 50% of their classroom training and the successful completion of their 608 E.P.A. examination, will be eligible to team up with an affiliated local contractor to ride along with one of their seasoned technician in effort to further the students technical training in the field.

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OJT Employer Assist

OJT Employer assist is designed for AVA students to actively participate in the work place while still earning class room credits required to graduate. Every AVA student, upon complication of at least a minimum of 70% of their classroom training and the successful completion of their HVAC Excellence Ready to Work examination, will be eligible for On The Job Training.

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What We Offer

Scrap For Scholarships

The future of the HAVC industry as well as other trade professions is perhaps facing some of it’s greatest challenges of all time. One of these challenges is acquiring the resources needed to provide the training and development of qualified service technicians for both current and future demands. At American Vocational Academy we believe that a good portion of what is needed to resources this training is right under our noses.

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The Contractor’s Corner (Contractors Only! )

At American Vocational Academy our goal is not only to assist in developing a quality, skilled workforce but also to provide the tools and knowledge needed so that every contractor is able to grow a thriving, profitable and successful business. How would you like to add at least 5% – 10% profits to your companies bottom line? Who wouldn’t and what would that equate to?

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Tech To Tech (Ride Along)

At American Vocational Academy we are excited to announce and introduce our new Tech to Tech Ride along. Every AVA student, upon complication of at least a minimum of 50% of their classroom training and the successful completion of their 608 E.P.A. examination, will be eligible to team up with an affiliated local contractor to ride along with one of their seasoned technician in effort to further the students technical training in the field.

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OJT Employer Assist

OJT Employer assist is designed for AVA students to actively participate in the work place while still earning class room credits required to graduate. Every AVA student, upon complication of at least a minimum of 70% of their classroom training and the successful completion of their HVAC Excellence Ready to Work examination, will be eligible for On The Job Training.

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Do You Believe in AVA? Donate Today!

We are now accepting donations to our foundation. If you feel inclined to donate or would like to know more about our foundation, please click the donate button below to submit a donation amount of your choice. We appreciate your help!

Financial Aid

Did you know that you can begin a promising career in the HVAC and Plumbing industry for as little as $5.00 a day? That’s right you can start building your future today with a minimum investment into this exciting career field. Let us show you how.  At AVA We’ve made the entire process as easy to follow:


  1. Apply for a full or partial scholarship.
  2. Apply for financial aid.
  3. Enroll in our Job placement


In less than 4 months you could be on your way to making the money that you need to provide a future for you and for your family.  To find out more  information on enrollment and financial aid Call 941.281.2541 or fill out  the information below and someone will reach out to you shortly.

Job Placement

Is your company challenged with being able to hire and keep reliable technicians long term? At AVA we just might have a solution for that. Most students upon completion of their course at AVA will have a balance that they are paying towards the cost of their training. This balance is typically being paid off on a monthly basis for less that $100 per month over a two or three year term. By offering to pay off the remaining balance of their student loan you are not only assisting them with their education but also locking them into your company for a longer duration. If they quit or move on then you are no longer liable to continue with this company investment. It’s just that simple. For many companies this would be an incentive paid in lieu of a hiring or sign on bonus. To find out more information about how you can participate in this job placement please contact us.

AVA Affiliation Agreement

AVA also implements an Affiliation Agreement with participating local contractors. Students will be exposed to the day today operations of local businesses by riding along with seasoned professional technicians. This has proven to be a great opportunity for both the student and the contractor. The student is exposed to several different potential places of employment and the contractor is able to access the skill level and employability of the student. This is definitely a win – win scenario for everyone participating. To find out more about enrollment in our Affiliation Agreement or how you can contribute to the training and education of these students and future trades technicians please feel free to contact the administration office at: (941) 281-2541


Join The AVA 300 Club Today!

The American Vocational Academy is looking for 300 people to help us build a reliable workforce as well as change the lives of future HVAC and plumbing technicians.






Did you know for as little as $1.33 a day or $40 per month you can help sponsor a partial scholarship for up to 120 American Vocational Academy students per campus per year? That’s Right! For less than a cup of gas station coffee you can be part of supporting AVA students as they train and prepare themselves for a promising career and future as an HVAC and plumbing technician. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of these students, please click the donate button below.


Thank you for your generous support. Together we can make a difference by supporting andequipping tomorrows outstanding workforce, one class, one student at a time. Wont you make a decision today to be part of the AVA 300 Club?


HVAC & Plumbing Approved Materials

As with many HVAC and plumbing technical colleges and trade schools we derive our primary curriculum from Goodheart – Wilcox Modern refrigeration and air conditioning & PHCC approved materials. This curriculum includes topics such as:

  • refrigeration system fundamentals
  • basic service
  • refrigerants
  • refrigeration system components
  • Indoor air fundamentals
  • air conditioning system
  • heating systems
  • basic plumbing fundamentals
  • basic plumbing service and repair

Personal & Professional Development

In addition to technical curriculum each class is structured to challenge students to develop personally and professionally and to strive to exemplify excellence. We introduce and give instruction in topics such as:

  • time management
  • money management
  • professional presentation
  • people skills
  • personality type assessments
  • basic sales training

We believe that this type of instruction not only adds value to the student but to employers and consumers alike.


Industry & Local Training Certifications

At American Vocational Academy ( A.V.A. ) we unequivocally strive for quality implementation of both practical and applied learning. During the course of their training every student will have the opportunity to achieve the following certifications:

  • Esco E.P.A. 608 refrigerant certification
  • Esco HVAC Excellence certification
  • N.A.T.E. Core
  • N.A.T.E. entry level technician certifications.

There are also other opportunities for industry certifications made available through local HVAC and Plumbing distributors that offer training classes for continuing education.

Request More Information

If you are interested in how you can become part of our amazing programs, please fill out the form below and we will contact you right away.

Forget College, Learn a Skilled Trade!

Call Now: (941) 281-2541